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Math 1341 (Calculus 1 for Science and Engineering, Course #12036/13208), Fall 2019

Course Information
Instructor Class Times Office Hours
Evan Dummit
edummit at northeastern dot edu
MWR 1:35pm-2:40pm, Richards Hall 237 (Sec 01)
MWR 4:35pm-5:40pm, Ryder Hall 265 (Sec 10)
MR 10:45am-12:15pm
R 3:00pm-4:00pm
571 Lake Hall
For detailed information about the course, please consult the 1341 Course Syllabus (Section 01) (Section 10). (Note: any information given in class or on this webpage supersedes the written syllabus.)
All homework assignments are available on the 1341 WeBWorK page. During the semester, each student has TWO individual 24-hour extensions that may be applied to any WeBWorK assignment (no reason needs to be given, simply email the instructor and request your extension).
The instructor will write lecture notes for the course (see below) to supplement the official textbook as the semester progresses. The course will follow the presentation in D. Massey's "Worldwide Differential Calculus" and "Worldwide Integral Calculus", but it is not necessary to purchase the textbooks for this course.

Handouts / Lecture Notes
Handout Topics
Chapter 0: Review of Basic Concepts (18pp, v2.50, posted 9/2) 0.1 ~ Numbers, Sets, and Intervals
0.2 ~ Functions
0.3 ~ Algebra and Inequalities
0.4 ~ Coordinate Geometry and Graphs
0.5 ~ Trigonometry
0.6 ~ Exponentials and Logarithms
Chapter 1: Limits and Continuity (12pp, v2.50, posted 9/8) 1.1 ~ Limits (Informally)
1.2 ~ Limits and the Limit Laws
1.3 ~ One-Sided Limits
1.4 ~ Continuity
1.5 ~ Limits at Infinity, Infinite Limits
Chapter 2: Introduction to Differentiation (27pp, v2.55, updated 9/18)
(changes in 2.55: swapped sections 2.7 and 2.8)
2.1 ~ Motivation: Rates and Tangent Lines
2.2 ~ Formal Definition of the Derivative
2.3 ~ Derivatives of Basic Functions
2.4 ~ Calculating Derivatives (Rules, Examples, Logarithmic Differentiation)
2.5 ~ Implicit Curves and Implicit Differentiation
2.6 ~ Parametric Curves and Derivatives
2.7 ~ Linearization
2.8 ~ Related Rates
Chapter 3: Applications of Differentiation (27pp, v2.50, posted 10/17) 3.1 ~ Minimum and Maximum Values
3.2 ~ Increasing and Decreasing Functions (Rolle's Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, Classification)
3.3 ~ Concavity, Graphing With Calculus
3.4 ~ L'Hôpital's Rule
3.5 ~ Applied Optimization
3.6 ~ Antiderivatives and Their Applications
Chapter 4: Introduction to Integration (27pp, v2.00, updated 11/10)
(updates in 2.00: added sections 4.3-4.5)
4.1 ~ Definite Integrals and Riemann Sums
4.2 ~ The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Statement, Evaluating Definite and Indefinite Integrals, Differentiating Integrals)
4.3 ~ Substitution
4.4 ~ Areas
4.5 ~ Arclength, Surface Area, Volume, Moments

Exam Information
Exam Date, Time, Location Topics Review Material
Midterm 1
Form A, Sols
Form B, Sols
Thu, October 17th
In Class
WeBWorKs 1-6
Notes §1.1-1.5 + §2.1-2.7
Review Problems (answers)
(Oct 10th Review)
(Oct 16th Review)
Midterm 2
Form A, Sols
Form B, Sols
Wed, November 20th
In Class
WeBWorKs 7-10
Notes §2.8 + §3.1-3.6 + §4.1-4.2.4
Review Problems (answers)
(Nov 14th Review)
(Nov 18th Review)
Final Thu, December 12th
320 Shillman Hall
WeBWorKs 1-12
Notes §1.1-4.4
Extra Problems (answers)
(Dec 2nd Review)
(Dec 4th Review)
Bring your University ID to all exams. Calculators may be used, provided they do not have qwerty keyboards and cannot do symbolic algebra. Cell phones, other electronic devices, books, and notes of any kind will NOT be permitted in exams.

Old Final Exams
Below are some old final exams from past semesters of Math 1341, which should be fairly representative of the final exam this semester. The time limit for each exam is 2 hours, if you wish to use them for practice.
Fall 2014 Final, (solutions) [we will review this exam in class]

Spring 2014 Final, (solutions) [we will review this exam in class]

Fall 2015 Final, (solutions)

Spring 2015 Final, (solutions)

Fall 2016 Final, (solutions)

Spring 2017 Final, (solutions) [we will review this exam in class]

Tips For Success In This Course
Attend Lecture Missing lecture is a bad idea! If for any reason you cannot make it to a class, you should review notes from someone who did attend. You are responsible for all material covered in lecture.
Read the Lecture Notes (or Textbook) The lecture notes and the textbook are comprehensive sources of material for the course. The notes are intended as review material, although many students like to read them as preparation before attending the lecture on the corresponding topics. Please note that the electronic notes are not identical to the material covered in class: this is by design, so as to provide you a slightly different perspective on the material.
Use WeBWorK Effectively WeBWorK assignments are intended to help you learn the course material at a basic level. Look over the problems well before the due date, and work on them in concert with the corresponding lectures. You may use technology (calculators, Wolfram Alpha, computer software) and other people to help you (so long as you are submitting your own work), but be mindful: if you do not understand how to do the WeBWorK problems, you will probably struggle on the exams! (Exam problems are often harder than WeBWorK problems.)
Attend Office Hours Office hours are specifically reserved for you to receive individual, one-on-one help from the instructor. Office hours will be the most effective when you have already put in effort to learn the material on your own (including trying to solve the homework problems), and when you come in with a list of specific questions or topics you are struggling with.
Attend Optional Recitation There is an optional weekly recitation section on Wednesdays from 6:00pm-7:30pm in Forsyth Hall 237 run by the course's TA, in which the TA will review problems from the course textbook. In addition to seeing additional problems worked out, you may also ask your own questions to the TA. The TA also has weekly office hours from 4:30-6:00pm on Wednesdays and 4:30-5:00pm on Thursdays in 575 Lake Hall, where you may also ask questions.
Use Tutoring Services The university offers a wide variety of (free) tutoring services. Please consult the Northeastern Tutoring page for additional information on peer tutoring. The Math Tutoring Center, located in 540B NI, is specifically set up for tutoring in mathematics courses. Tutoring appointments can be made via MyNEU (which will provide lists of available appointments for the tutors for your specific classes); walk-in tutoring is very limited and tends to be unavailable near exam dates.

Course Schedule
The schedule is subject to change! All sections refer to the course lecture notes.
Week Schedule
Week of Sep 2
(class starts 9/4)
§0.1: Numbers, Sets, and Intervals
§0.2: Functions
§0.3: Algebra and Inequalities
§0.4: Coordinate Geometry and Graphs
§0.5: Trigonometry
No homework this week.
Week of Sep 9 §0.6: Exponentials and Logarithms
§1.1: Limits (Informally)
§1.2: Limits and the Limit Laws
§1.3: One-Sided Limits
WeBWorK 1 due Wednesday 9/11 at 5am.
Week of Sep 16 §1.4: Continuity
§1.5: Limits at Infinity, Infinite Limits
§2.1: Motivation: Rates and Tangent Lines
§2.2: Formal Definition of the Derivative
§2.3: Derivatives of Basic Functions
WeBWorK 2 due Tuesday 9/17 at 5am.
Week of Sep 23
§2.4.1: Rules for Computing Derivatives
§2.4.2: Basic Examples of Derivatives
§2.4.3: Additional Examples of Derivatives
§2.4.4: Logarithmic Differentiation
WeBWorK 3 due Tuesday 9/24 at 5am.
Week of Sep 30
§2.5: Implicit Differentiation
§2.6: Parametric Curves and Derivatives
§2.7: Linearization
§2.8: Related Rates
WeBWorK 4 due Tuesday 10/1 at 5am.
Week of Oct 7 §2.8: Related Rates
Review for Midterm 1
WeBWorK 5 due Tuesday 10/8 at 5am.
Week of Oct 14
(no class 10/14)
Review for Midterm 1
WeBWorK 6 due Tuesday 10/15 at 5am.
MIDTERM 1 in class Thursday 10/17
Week of Oct 21 §3.1: Minimum and Maximum Values
§3.2: Increasing and Decreasing Functions
§3.3: Concavity, Graphing With Calculus
No homework this week.
Week of Oct 28 §3.4: L'Hôpital's Rule
§3.5: Applied Optimization
§3.6: Antiderivatives and Their Applications
WeBWorK 7 due Tuesday 10/29 at 5am.
Week of Nov 4 §4.1: Definite Integrals and Riemann Sums
§4.2.1: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
§4.2.2-4: Evaluating Definite and Indefinite Integrals
WeBWorK 8 due Tuesday 11/5 at 5am.
Week of Nov 11
(no class 11/11)
§4.2.5: Differentiating Integrals
§4.3: Substitution
Review for Midterm 2
WeBWorK 9 due Tuesday 11/12 at 5am.
Week of Nov 18 Review for Midterm 2
WeBWorK 10 due Tuesday 11/19 at 5am.
MIDTERM 2 in class Wednesday 11/20
§4.3: Substitution
Week of Nov 25
(no class 11/27-12/1)
§4.4: Areas
WeBWorK 11 due Tuesday 11/26 at 5am.
Week of Dec 2
(class ends 12/4)
Review for Final Exam
WeBWorK 12 due Tuesday 12/3 at 5am.
FINAL EXAM Thu December 12th, 10:30am-12:30pm, location TBA