Evan Dummit’s Main Page
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Quick Info:
- I am an Associate Teaching Professor of Mathematics at Northeastern University.
- My office is 571 Lake Hall, (617)-373-2710.
- In Spring 2025, I am teaching Math 3543 (Dynamics, Chaos, and Fractals), Math 4527 (Number Theory 2), and Math 4571 (Advanced Linear Algebra).
- In past semesters at Northeastern, I have also taught Math 1341 (Calculus 1), Math 1365 (Intro to Math Reasoning), Math 1465 (Intensive Mathematical Reasoning) Math 2321 (Calculus 3), Math 2331 (Linear Algebra), Math 3081 (Probability and Statistics), Math 3527 (Number Theory 1), Math 3543 (Dynamics, Chaos, and Fractals), Math 4527 (Number Theory 2), Math 4555 (Complex Variables), Math 4571 (Advanced Linear Algebra), and the graduate courses Math 5111 (Algebra 1), Math 7315 (Algebraic Number Theory), Math 7319 (Number Theory in Function Fields), and Math 7359 (Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms).
- Lecture notes for my past courses, covering the full calculus sequence, elementary and advanced linear algebra, linear algebra with differential equations, introduction to proof, probability and statistics, elementary number theory, cryptography, group theory, ring theory, fields and Galois theory, and chaos and dynamics are available on my Course Notes page.
- I am co-organizer of the Northeastern Putnam Club, I run the annual Northeastern Integration Bee, and I also organize and write for various local and national mathematics competitions such as Northeastern's Calculus Field Day, the University of Vermont's High School Math Exam and the Vermont Mathematics Talent Search. I am a former chair of the National Question Writing Committee for MATHCOUNTS and am now a national judge, and I have also graded for the Putnam Competition and for the USA Mathematical Olympiad.
- Email is the best way to contact me: edummit[at]northeastern[dot]edu.
- Here is a copy of my CV.
About me, mathematically:
- I earned a BS and MS in Mathematics from Caltech in 2009, an MA in Mathematics from UW-Madison in 2010, and my PhD in Mathematics from UW-Madison in 2014.
- From Fall 2014 to Summer 2017, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester, and from Fall 2017 to Summer 2019 I was a Postdoctoral Scholar at Arizona State University. I started my position at Northeastern as an Assistant Teaching Professor in Fall 2019 and was promoted to Associate Teaching Professor effective Summer 2023.
- I am an algebraic number theorist by training. However, my interests also include a number of other topics, such as algebraic combinatorics, finite-field arithmetic and geometry, elliptic curves and modular forms, arithmetic dynamics, competition mathematics, and many other things too numerous to list here.
- Some past and current projects of mine (see below) have involved arithmetic statistics of number fields, generalized number-field discriminants, Kakeya sets over non-archimedean local rings, signature ranks of circular units in cyclotomic number fields, characterizations of power residue matrices, finite-field hypergeometric functions and Kloosterman sums, and computational aspects of p-adic modular symbols.
- Characterizations of the dth-power residue matrices over finite fields, submitted.
- The number of quadratic, cubic, and quartic residue matrices, submitted.
- Signature ranks of units in cyclotomic extensions of abelian number fields, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2019 (with D. Dummit and H. Kisilevsky). (arxiv)
- Counting G-extensions by discriminant, Mathematical Research Letters, 2018 (arxiv)
- Characterizations of Quadratic, Cubic, and Quartic Residue Matrices, Journal of Number Theory, 2016 (with D. Dummit and H. Kisilevsky) (arxiv)
- Explicit Computations of Hida Families via Overconvergent Modular Symbols, Research in Number Theory, 2016 (with M. Hablicsek, R. Harron, L. Jain, R. Pollack, and D. Ross) (arxiv)
- Counting Number Field Extensions of Given Degree, Bounded Discriminant, and Specified Galois Closure, Ph.D. thesis (pdf).
- Kakeya Sets over Non-Archimedean Local Rings, Mathematika, 2013 (with M. Hablicsek) (arxiv)
- A Conjecture of Evans on Sums of Kloosterman Sums, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2010 (with A. Goldberg and A. Perry) (pdf)